Tenant tips — DIY | Video Series — Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager

Tenant tips

Dave's Picks | The 3 Cheap Accessories I Use To Avoid Cleaning My Fridge

Color us SOLD.

NGL these 3 nifty items and genius-level accompanying tips may very well free your entire soul.

Dave DIY | 10 Foods You Should Stop Storing In The Fridge

Put down the groceries and step away from the fridge. You’re ruining your food!

Dave DIY | Don't Shower During a Thunderstorm. Here's Why.

Just because you're inside during a thunder and lightning storm doesn't mean you're necessarily completely safe. Here are tips to stay clear of harm.

Dave DIY | Experts On What You Should (and Shouldn't) Do When Something Breaks in Your Home

It’s not the end of the world… sometimes it just feels like it

Dave DIY | 9 Tips to Save Money on Energy and Utility Bills

$ave yo’ ca$h money!

Dave DIY | The Most Effective and Cheap Ways To Cool Your Body During A Heatwave

… it’s totally dreadful. we know. step inside for some tips to make it more bearable!

Dave DIY | Effortless Coffee Table Styling!

Oh, come on you got this. It’s all about FUN. Go ahead and flex your personal style and fab taste.

Dave's Picks | The Best Heat-Wicking Sheets For Those Too-Hot Summer Nights

too hot to sleep? we’ve rounded up solutions!

Dave DIY | Problems Caused By Dry Air And How To Combat Them

The low down on dry air — and the havoc it wreaks.

Dave DIY | 7 Air Purifying Houseplants That Are Nearly Impossible To Kill

cleaner air and a calmer home? yes please!

Dave DIY | How To Create A Cozy Guest Bedroom, Even In A Pandemic!

Simple, budget-friendly surefire ways to treat your holiday (or any time) guests like royalty and provide a safe haven during their stay.

Dave DIY | The Best Low Light Plants for your Home Office

Your office called and said

it wants plants. Plants to liven up the joint, and purify some air. Get in here.

Dave DIY | 2 of The Best Under Desk Footrests

if sitting is the new smoking… you gotta keep moving and here are 2 great solutions for better circulation and blood flow at your desk.

Dave's Picks | A Machine That Will Put You To Sleep

Got thin walls? Rough time getting (and staying) asleep? Yeah get in here…

Dave's Picks | Want a sustainable kitchen? Check out these products

…eco-friendly reusable alternatives for the most popular kitchen items!

Dave DIY | How to Stay Cool Without Air-Conditioning

Oh boy, we’ve still got some summer left, here’s how to stay cool about it…

Dave DIY | What To Do When Your Basement Floods?!

We need to talk about the flood in the room…

Dave DIY | 14! ways to save energy and money this summer

Still got a ways to go before the weather turns cold. And staying cool gets ex$pen$ive so click thru for some ways to $ave yo’ ca$h money!

Dave's Picks | Trash(can) Talk!

Did you know…

there are ACTUALLY good-looking trash bins that exist for your kitchen?

Dave DIY | The Best Wi-Fi adapters

A GOOD, STRONG Wi-FI connection is one of the most important things to have right now, especially if you are working from home all the time. Although most laptops and general desktops have Wi-Fi built-in, if you find your computer moving at the speed of dial-up, (“What’s dial-up, Dave?” “HUSH UP, punk.”)