Safety — DIY | Video Series — Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager


Dave's Picks | How To Protect Your Home While Away On Vacation

Summer’s just around the corner. Home safety tips to keep in mind before your next vacation.

Dave DIY | How Bad Is It To Never Clean Your Coffee Maker?

in which we discover yet another bacteria party to avoid…

Dave DIY | Don't Shower During a Thunderstorm. Here's Why.

Just because you're inside during a thunder and lightning storm doesn't mean you're necessarily completely safe. Here are tips to stay clear of harm.

Dave DIY | You Are Cleaning It All Wrong

Nascent germaphobes unite! You are not alone. Blame the pandemic. But also know what you’re getting into with cleaning products as well as the different types of bacteria. Good times…

Dave DIY | The Most Effective and Cheap Ways To Cool Your Body During A Heatwave

… it’s totally dreadful. we know. step inside for some tips to make it more bearable!

Dave DIY | Keeping Our Pets Cool and Safe During a Heat Wave

Tips to keep your fur babies chilled and relaxed in this dangerous heat.

Dave DIY | Your Kitchen Sponge Is (Probably) Disgusting

What can we say, we’re always happy to spread the word on (not spreading) bacteria and disease around…

Dave DIY | How to Stay Cool Without Air-Conditioning

Oh boy, we’ve still got some summer left, here’s how to stay cool about it…

Dave DIY | We need to discuss your bedsheets

No one loves laundry day, I know I definitely don't but...

Did you know that it's basically the equivalent of lying in a petri dish full of germs and bacteria?!

Dave DIY | The Hazards of Dirty Bath Towels

Ready, set, DO YOUR #^&! LAUNDRY!

Did you know that your bath towel is one of the dirtiest things in your bathroom? A weekly wash just isn't enough to keep it clean.

Dave DIY | Just moved into a new place? Here are some essentials!

So you finally found the perfect home …

Here are some essential homewares and items to make your space a lil’ cozier and a whole lot more home-y!

Dave DIY | BBQs & Summer Backyard Grilling

Summer backyard grilling sounds like all fun and games until ... it isn't!

BBQs and cookouts have become a huge part of our culture, especially during the summer holidays. But grill fires are still a huge risk.

Dave DIY | 4th of July Fireworks — Keeping your Pets Safe & Secure

The Fourth of July holiday

is quickly approaching, and with it comes Fourth of July fireworks and fears. While pyrotechnic extravaganzas are fun for us to watch, our pets feel a bit differently. Bright lights, ear splitting sounds, and acrid smells in the air are terrifying to our furry friends. Many pets are lost each July when fireworks cause them to panic and run away, trying to escape the spectacle. Others cower in closets or under beds shaking with fear. For some dogs, the fear stays with them long after the fireworks stop and they are reluctant to leave the house to go for walks.

Dave DIY | Dave's handpicked houseplants that are safe for your furry friends

Have pets but not sure which plants to get?

Houseplants are good for the soul, our well-being, and our everyday lives as we are spending more and more time at home. But if you have pets, it's important to know what plants to get because some are dangerously poisonous to your pets.
Plants like aloe and philodendron are extremely toxic to pets, causing them irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea. So it's important to know what you have around those furry ones.


How many of you felt like you wished you had an emergency stash in 2020 when the world was hit with a pandemic?