Pet Safety — DIY | Video Series — Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager

Pet Safety

Dave DIY | Keeping Our Pets Cool and Safe During a Heat Wave

Tips to keep your fur babies chilled and relaxed in this dangerous heat.

Dave DIY | Flying With Pets — Things You Need To Know


— your leash is too long

Dave DIY | How To Exercise Your Dog When You're Stuck Indoors

Since we have and are continuing practicing social distancing within our homes

— not only do we need to exercise — but so do our furry friends.

Dave DIY | 4th of July Fireworks — Keeping your Pets Safe & Secure

The Fourth of July holiday

is quickly approaching, and with it comes Fourth of July fireworks and fears. While pyrotechnic extravaganzas are fun for us to watch, our pets feel a bit differently. Bright lights, ear splitting sounds, and acrid smells in the air are terrifying to our furry friends. Many pets are lost each July when fireworks cause them to panic and run away, trying to escape the spectacle. Others cower in closets or under beds shaking with fear. For some dogs, the fear stays with them long after the fireworks stop and they are reluctant to leave the house to go for walks.