With summer just around the corner(!) it might be a good time to talk about body odor and how to mitigate or avoid it altogether.
Still got a ways to go before the weather turns cold. And staying cool gets ex$pen$ive so click thru for some ways to $ave yo’ ca$h money!
Finding a good deodorant in the summer is like finding a good pen. Sometimes you may stumble upon it at a friend's house or at the store. Deodorant is subjective and depends on your personal taste. A good deodorant will stop you from smelling and offending the people around you.
Summer backyard grilling sounds like all fun and games until ... it isn't!
BBQs and cookouts have become a huge part of our culture, especially during the summer holidays. But grill fires are still a huge risk.
TICKS SUCK. A guide to avoiding them and bites.
What are TICKS and why are we talking about them? Ticks are 4 track black-legged creatures that carry Lyme disease and live in forested areas with tall grass and leaf litter.