Dave DIY | 14! ways to save energy and money this summer β€” Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager


We still have a little longer to go until Summer officially ends (brace yourself for Indian summer). Around here, we like to take steps to reduce energy use, not only will it help the peak electricity that is high on demand during the hottest summer days but also save you some money as well.

Here are 14 savvy tips to help you save energy and money during peak summer days!

  1. Close drapes, windows, and doors on your home's sunny side to reduce any solar heat build-up.

  2. Turn off ANY air conditioners, lights, and other appliances when they are not used at home, or use a timer to turn on your air conditioner about a half-hour before arriving home. It's helpful to use a smart thermostat to control the temperature in your home to control usage.

  3. If you are purchasing a brand new air conditioner, make sure to look for its ENERGY STAR qualified model label on it. ENERGY STAR air conditioners can use up to 25% less energy than a standard model.

  4. Fans can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler and use about 80% less energy than air conditioners. In hot weather, set your ceiling fan to spin quickly and counterclockwise to push air down towards the floor.

  5. Set your air conditioner at 78 degrees or higher to save on your cooling costs.

  6. Place your air conditioner in a central window, rather than a corner window, to allow for better air movement. Place the unit on the north, east, or the most shaded side of your home. Your air conditioner may have to work harder and use up more energy if it is exposed to direct sunlight.

  7. Clean cooling and condenser fans plus the coils to keep your air conditioner operating much more efficiently and check the filter every month! Replace as needed. Dirty filters can make your air conditioners work harder, and therefore use more electricity.

  8. Seal spaces around the air conditioner with caulking to prevent cool air from escaping. Seal any holes and cracks that you see around doors and windows.

  9. Use appliances such as washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, and ovens EARLY in the morning or late at night. This helps to reduce humidity and heat at home. Set refrigerators and freezers to the most efficient temperatures.

  10. Use energy-efficient, ENERGY STAR-qualified light bulbs instead of standard incandescent light bulbs; you can use 75% less energy with this simple change.

  11. Microwave food when possible. Microwaves use 50% less energy than conventional ovens.

  12. Dry clothes on a clothesline. If using a clothes dryer, remember to clean the lint traps before every load.

  13. Be mindful of the ways you consume water throughout your home. Instead of using 30 to 40 gallons of water to take a bath, install a low-flow showerhead, which uses less than 3 gallons a minute.

  14. And last but not least: Lowering the temperature setting on your washing machine and rinsing in cold water also reduces energy use!