Dave DIY | HOUSEFLIES. Get behind me BEELZEBUB. β€” Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager

Flies are every New Yorker's worst enemy.

Did you know that houseflies carry over 1 million particles of bacteria? 1 MILLION. They practically carry the street on them... and directly transfer them onto your food.

We are basically right in the middle of 'filthy fly season'.

In the summertime, A fly can lay up to 900 eggs, all of which will hatch within 8 hours. The last thing I want in my home is to have 1 fly and then have 900 mini flies around my home.

The only problem is that it's nearly impossible to swat a fly as they have over 6,000 mini lenses in each eye and can literally see us coming in slow motion from a distance.

Here is an ingenious solution to defend your home from disgusting flies!



This stealthy device catches ANY unwanted invader in its ultra-sticky perma-glue and discreetly hides them from plain sight.

BarFly is one of the most in-demand summer big traps!

Not only will it get rid of your fly problem, but it will also get rid of mosquitos, gnats, moths, and any other pesky flying insect roaming your halls!

Safe Around Kids & Pets

BarFly contains zero chemicals or odors. Plus, since the trap is housed in a sturdy plastic cage, it poses no danger to kids or pets. (Win. Win. WIN.)



Once they land on the double-strength sticky trap, they're stuck in there for good.

BarFly’s sleek and stealthy design perfectly hides deceased insects from sight.

No chemicals. No mess. No more bug problem!

more in pests and what have yous…