Dave DIY | IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. β€” Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager

It's one of those things

we know is important but will get to 'eventually'. How many of you felt like you wished you had an emergency stash in 2020 when the world was hit with a pandemic?

Having some essentials may give you peace of mind. Once a person is prepared during a disaster, we don't feel the need to venture out when a toilet paper war breaks loose. If 2020 empty store shelves still haunt you, fear not, now equipped with knowledge you will be completely prepared for anything.

Here are some of the things we recommend having handy at home for you know... "just in case".


You may laugh now but a backpack isn't a terrible idea to have EVERYTHING you need in case you need to leave very quickly!



when ya gotta bounce STAT.



A tool that can help you see in the dark and also act as a self defense weapon. Comes in two, one for you and one as a back up β€” because you just NEVER KNOW.


Get Lit

double duty action


Designed to treat wound care and cuts, this kit has all the basics that one will keep to help you ease the pain until you are able to seek professional help. Simple, easy and affordable. Better be safe than sorry.


Dammit Jim I’m NOT a doctor!

c’mon man … you really wanna bleed out?



I don't care who you are, but I feel like every household should keep one of these for safety measures. Household fires are more common than you think, from ordinary combustibles, grease, electrical and metal fires. I assume you'd rather experience none of them at all! This is something so simple, versatile, and inexpensive. Your neighbors would thank you if their house ever caught on fire. (Hello, #KarmaPoints!)

If you, like me, want to be completely prepared for the next pandemic, disaster, and who knows what else β€” 

definitely hit the link below for an impressively exhaustive list the good folks at NYMag have compiled. They truly thought of every scenario which will surely satisfy the doomsday preppers walking amongst us. They’re out there . . . so be nice. One of them may save your life some day!


don’t panic

ixnay at-thay ire-fay!