Dave Speaks | Can Unplugging Appliances Actually Save Money? — Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager Back to Top

Vampire alert… Your unused appliances are probably costing you money.

Let’s look at how much you can save.

When you turn off an appliance or device in your home, you think it's not using any power, right? Think again! That's not actually the case. Many common household appliances — think, from your laptop charger to printer, all still run certain functions even while plugged in. Yep, they still draw electricity even when the device itself isn’t on.

Solution? Just unplug when you aren't using them. Unplugging actually stops energy from silently draining out and increasing your bills, saving you both electricity and money in the long run.

How much money does unplugging appliances actually save? Is it worth the annoyance of constantly plugging and unplugging appliances? Whether the device is switched off or in standby mode, these are some of the worst offenders and situations:

  • A device may still use energy in the form of being off or lights on/displays showing that the device is off

  • Computers that are in sleep mode

  • Chargers still draw power even if the device is not connected (whoa, who knew this one?)

  • Media players that draw power, especially ones that scan for updates in the background

  • Phones with displays that show when not in active use, like cordless phones

  • Newer smart home appliances like refrigerators and washers and dryers with always-on displays, internet connectivity, and electronic controls.

Like you and I, many others are shocked to realize how much standby power can add up. Standby power accounts for 5%-10% of residential energy use; unplugging devices can save the average household up to $100 a year, so unplugging when not in use would save 100 times as much power during the lifetime of the device.

Bottom Line:

Unplug anything that is not actively in use or not often used. Items such as TVs, radios, CD players, and other small electronics. Sure, unplugging and replugging can get tedious especially if its outlet is inaccessible. Instead, try to plug devices into power strips. That way, one flick of the power switch button can turn off multiple devices. You can also get timers and plug devices into smart outlets so that you can automate when the power is connected to devices.

You’re welcome!