Bees are incredibly important to our ecosystem. Without them, we cannot survive. Bees help pollinate plants to make our diets nutritious and delicious. To many, they may feel like they are a pest by being in our spaces but we NEED them to survive.
Honey bee populations are rapidly declining around the world. Everyday, bees embark on long journeys to bring pollen back to their hives. Being a bee can be tiring if all you do is go back and forth from flower to flower and bring it back to the hive. Sometimes you may see a bee just lying on the ground taking a quick break.
Here, an EASY way to re-energize and revive an exhausted bee back to life in a few easy steps:
Simply mix 2 tablespoons of granulated (white) sugar with 2 tablespoons of water.
Place the mixture on a spoon.
Lay the spoon next to the bee so they can drink from it.
Congratulations, youβre a life-saver!
Note: Only feed single bees. If you leave out a large mixture of sugar-water, bees will likely tell their friends about the easy food source.
Sugar water
is very similar to plant nectar, which is what bees naturally eat.
The sugar water helps gives the bees a boost of energy they need to continue on their journey.
This may sound small but nursing even ONE bee back to health can make a difference. We rely on them to pollinate one-third of all food we eat. In a matter of seconds, the bees wobbles up back to health and on it's way
Feeding a bee is one small thing ANYONE can do to help these guys from going extinct.
If you ever see a bee on the ground, be a HELPFUL BEE-CITIZEN and save a bee's life!
Please feel free to share this crucial, life-saving information to anyone you know!