Dave DIY | 4 Helpful iPhone and Android Tricks You May Not Know About — Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager

Keeping up with new software and updates can sure seem like a neverending chore…

Below are a few tools and recent updates that may not only prove useful — but potentially lifesaving.

This summer marks 15 years since Apple released its very first iPhone and ever since then, smartphones, in general, have become the Swiss Army Knives of technology. With constant updates since 2007, less obvious features are often missed. Here are some possibly overlooked tools in iOS 15 and Android 12.

Getting There ➞ Point the Way

Google Maps for Android and iOS screenshots

If you need help getting oriented with Google Maps walking directions, tap the Live View button in the corner of the map to get augmented-reality assistance. Credit | Google


A map app has always been a part of the modern smartphone, but both Google and Apple have now added a dash of augmented reality to the experience, for extra on-ground orientation help. (Your results will vary by location and be prepared for some battery drain.)

In Google Maps for Android and iOS, enter your destination, tap Directions, and select Walking. Tap the Live View feature in the corner of the map. Your phone will instruct you to point the camera at nearby buildings so the app can recognize your surroundings to compare them with Google Street View images. Once it is set, your directions appear overlaid on the view-through camera screen to guide you along.

Scan documents

Apple’s iOS Notes app includes a command that turns the iPhone’s camera into a document scanner. Credit | Apple

The iPhone camera is also powerful enough to also act as a scanner for both documents and QR codes. In iOS, you can scan a document or a receipt in the Notes app, by making a new note, pressing the camera icon button on the toolbar, and selecting Scan Documents. You can also scan and attach documents to an email message as well.

The Google Drive app has a similar scanning tool too and can organize PDF files as well. The camera app on some Samsung Galaxy phones can detect a document and scan it when you aim the phone at a piece of paper.


Google’s free Stack app includes a document-scanning function and a place to organize the scanned files. Credit | Google


As for the QR codes, or electronic payments, just open your camera app, point it at the QR code and it will automatically scan. Many of Samsung's Galaxy phones have a QR scanner option that works with the camera too.

However, be careful and only scan codes from trusted sources. Cybercriminals can use them for fraud and spreading malicious software onto your phone.

Name that song

The phone's microphone has expanded beyond its powers through voice memos, dictations, and audio/video calls. The Shazam app will automatically try to identify the song playing nearby. This app works both on iOS and Android. Once the song is identified, it will ask you if you would like to play it via Apple, or Spotify, or purchase the song.


Shazam, now owned by Apple, can automatically identify songs when the Auto Shazam setting is on. The app can also add a playlist of tracks to Apple Music. Credit | Apple


Get Help Fast

When you need emergency assistance, your phone has shortcuts that connect you. With an iPhone 8 or later, you hold down the right side button and one of the volume buttons until you see the Emergency SOS slider. Drag the slide to call the local emergency number, if you can't drag the slider, keep holding down the button until the phone automatically makes the call. In the Emergency SOS settings, you can enable the phone to make an emergency call when you press the side button five times.

Side-by-side Android and iPhone Emergency assistance screenshots

Both iOS and Android have shortcuts for making emergency calls with the press of a button or two. Credit | Apple; Google


Android-based phones including Google's Pixel and Samsung's Galaxy models have their own emergency service aids. For phones with a power button, hold down that button until you see the Emergency icon and then tap it. On a phone without a power button, try swiping down the screen to get to the Quick Settings for Emergency Mode or swipe up from the bottom to get to the Emergency Call button. Google's free Personal Safety app for Android provides more tools for handling future emergency situations, for those who like to be prepared.