How tech workers are discovering that woodworking and other hands-on activities offer a change of pace and an opportunity to tap into a rich history of craftsmanship.
Meet fika, the Swedish cake whose word is a flip on the word kaffe and is a widely beloved cultural staple, multi-purpose sweet treat break with no set rules. A seriously delicious treat to learn about and love, GET YOU SOME!
Originally published By Dorie Greenspan | Jan. 8, 2020
“Coffee and” was an expression I heard all the time as a kid. From early morning until late in the afternoon, the aroma that filled the kitchen, wafted through the living room and wisped its way up the stairs was coffee, Chock Full o’ Nuts specifically. The coffeepot burbled steadily in our house, always ready for the next cup, and at least once a day, one or another of my mom’s friends would knock on the unlocked door, push it open and head for the kitchen, knowing that the percolator would be on the stove and that on the counter there would be cake — the “and” in “coffee and.”
A growing number of smaller companies are adopting a four-day workweek. Now the results of a recent trial at Microsoft (MSFT) suggest it could work even for the biggest businesses.
The company introduced a program this summer in Japan called the "Work Life Choice Challenge," which shut down its offices every Friday in August and gave all employees an extra day off each week.
The results were promising: While the amount of time spent at work was cut dramatically, productivity — measured by sales per employee — went up by almost 40% compared to the same period the previous year, the company said in a statement last week.