Dave's Picks | Your Brookyln Guide's Best + Most Famous Pizzas in Brooklyn — Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager Back to Top

Sourced from Your Brooklyn Guide | December 3, 2020

Oh geez foodies

prepare yourselves for quite possibly the most exhaustive list of pizza joints in all the land you’re stompin’ on. And let’s not fight about it: we at Speak to Dave believe in making pizza, not war!

Feast your eyes on the incredible specimens below, bookmark the hot hot source and scootcho’ pizza lovin’ booties to these fine establishments to grab you a slice all ASAP.

HOLY HOLY pizza pies . . . 👀

So thems the visual highlights, but the good folks over at Your Brooklyn Guide really tell a whale of a tale on every Brooklyn pizza joint you may have had no idea even exists. A bit of a history lesson, it delivers a beyond satisfying read, and one severe gastronomical teasefest.

Do us all a favor, head on over to read all about it. Then grab a date (or not, we’re not judging) and getcho za ON!