Mayor Bill De Blasio's controversial plan
to rezone parts of SoHo and NoHo recently cleared its LATEST hurdle. Members of the city's Planning Commission voted unanimously in favor of the proposal that was rejected by the community board in July and later opposed by Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer.
City officials say that the rezoning could pave the way for the construction of as many as 3,5000 new apartments, including up to 900 subsidized apartments for low and middle-income New Yorkers, through the city's Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Requirement.
The Soho/NoHo plan has generated a lot of pushback from groups across the political spectrum. Some are worried that it may undermine the integrity of the historic district. However, they do believe that it will be a once-in-a-generation opportunity to update the zoning regime that time has passed by and to find ways to improve the zoning structure.
Affordable housing has dubbed the plan "a wolf in sheep's clothing" arguing it would incentivize developers to demolish existing rent-stabilized housing in the area. An estimate from the Village Preservation estimated that the number of rent-regulated units in the area could be as high as 1,000 apartments.
In certain areas by Broadway and Canal, buildings as tall as 27-stories will be permitted.
It will make these neighborhoods more expensive, less diverse, and less equitable. It's now up to the City Council to do the right thing and say no to this wrong and destructive upgrade.
City officials point to existing protections for residents of rent-regulated units as evidence that those tenants won't face displacement under the new rezoning. The city now has 50 days to review the rezoning and make any changes to the plan and vote.