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All Demolition At Grand Prospect Hall Temporarily Paused by Court Order

Grand Prospect Hall, the event space and wedding venue which was sold to a developer in July has been temporarily paused by court order, giving new hope to a community that feared that there was no time left to save what little is left of the beloved Park Slope institution.

According to a court stipulation reviewed by the Gothamist, the new hall's new owner Gowanus Cubes could do any further demolition work on the exterior property, except for moving hazardous materials or shoring until at least September 16th. They must also take all appropriate precautions to preserve the facade and to not further damage the facade or character of the building.

Jessica Breuer, an attorney representing a group of local activists who are fighting to help preserve the space, said that the group was hoping to go before the Landmarks Preservation Commission before that date to attempt to secure the landmark status for the hall. Either way, they've asked for a hearing for a preliminary injunction, to continue the stipulation.

Gothamist learned that Gowanus Cubes, an LLC operated by Angelo Rigas, had already begun gutting the interiors of the 118-year-old building, though a spokesperson for Rigas told them that the historic interior fixtures were already gone when they arrived, and it was "nothing but walls." Grrrr….

Even though the decorative elements are gone, the bones are still there and the community wants to keep it that way.

The community does not want another uncaring developer coming into the area without consulting them first, and respecting that the community's heritage is important.