THE TOP 7 THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER SHARE WITH PEOPLE β€” Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager

Sharing isn't always caring.

Sometimes ... it's carrying. Here are some items that you might want to keep to yourself after reading this.

Germs are literally EVERYWHERE. Thankfully, it seems many of us are only aware of how prevalent germs are due to COVID 19. It stands to reason that the more things you touch on a regular basis, the higher the risk you will also pick up bacteria and viruses.

It is sometimes inevitable to transfer germs especially if you live with other people. But it is also possible to stay healthy if we become vigilant, take precautions and limit how much we share.

Here are the worst offenders in the keep-it-to-yourself category:



Did you know that a pen is one of the filthiest items in your office, even worse, in your doctor's office? As you may notice, doctors' offices have now separated their pens into "dirty" and "clean" cups to limit the spread of germs.

Researchers found that the average pen has more than. 46,000 times more germs than an average toilet seat. Maybe it's time to carry our own pens!



Sharing is caring β€” we know. Taking a bite out of someone's food that you're quarantining may not seem like a big deal. However experts are saying otherwise! "Food is still pretty shared among people nowadays, especially in small gatherings," says Jolene Caufield, Senior Advisor at Healthy Howard. "Sharing your food with people is the easiest way to transfer saliva to that person, making them more prone to catching the virus- especially if you are asymptomatic."



it can be tempting to share makeup with someone you know, especially if you are running low and in a hurry! Open makeup containers invite bacteria growth. Sharing eye makeup could also result in conjunctivitis while sharing lip products could make you susceptible to mono, herpes, and strep. That's why you should always replace your cosmetics frequently and never borrow things like liquid eyeliner, mascara, or lipstick.



We use them all day, every day. Phones come in close contact with your face, your mouth, and your fingers. This makes the phone one of the dirtiest things we have with us. If sharing is completely necessary, put the phone on speaker, so there's no skin-to-skin contact.



Borrowing headsets may seem very innocent. But this is one of the things that you really shouldn't share with anyone. Having ear wax is natural as it helps to protect our ears but don't forget, earphones trap the once-innocent bacteria IN THE WAX. Any wax building up on earphones traps and grows bacteria, which could lead to infections. It can also spread viruses to others.



This one ought to go without saying but, hey, people are weird, right? The human mouth is the epicenter of a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria and viruses. That's why we don't and should never, ever share toothbrushes, even if they are your significant other. Infectious microorganisms get deposited on wet toothbrush bristles and can be transmitted to anyone who uses that toothbrush. Someone who has a weak immune system uses a contaminated toothbrush can develop a potentially life-threatening infection. The more you know.



Similar to razors, this could be a dangerous habit because sharing items that come so close in contact with another person's blood is one way to spread harmful viruses and bacteria. You just never know what someone else has touched before they touched your nail clippers. This could unknowingly spread germs that could get others sick or even worse, cause a fungal infection.


From our Dave Speaks series: