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Clean Air

Dave's Picks | What the UN Climate Report Predicts for NYC

Climate change and the pending crisis should be at the top of all of our minds, the tips of our tongues, with all of our voting fingers fully engaged.

Dave's Picks | NYT | Cities Worldwide Are Reimagining Their Relationship With Cars

Originally published By Somini Sengupta and Nadja Popovich | Illustrations by Tim Peacock for NYT | Nov. 14, 2019

At a time when most of humanity lives in cities, where do cars belong — especially the old, polluting ones that make city air foul for people to breathe?

That question has vexed city officials across the world. Many are trying a variety of measures to reimagine the role of automobiles, the machines that forever changed how people move.

The immediate motivation is clear: City dwellers want cleaner, healthier air and less traffic. The long-term payoffs can be big: Curbing transportation emissions, which account for nearly a fourth of all greenhouse gases, is vital to staving off climate catastrophes.