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Originally published September 3, 2019 by Forbes | Sheila Callaham Contributor | Diversity & Inclusion
I write about combatting ageism in the workplace.

First in the series: Mid-Career and Beyond–Transforming Personal and Professional Life Through Education

For kids and young adults, September means heading back to a regimen of classes, homework and exams. When it comes to college, young adults are not the only ones looking for degrees and certifications; mature students are also turning to university programs to increase employment opportunities and seek new career experiences.

Julian Phillippi’s decision to go back to school to earn a Masters in Human Resource Management is a path forged to meet her new career interests. A former teacher, foreign service officer and campaign manager, Phillippi is not afraid of change. Now in her second year at New York University (NYU), a private nonprofit research university based in New York City, Phillippi is honing her specialization and already applying her learnings to real world challenges.

On Becoming a Changemaker

Phillippi described her decision to return to school as serendipitous. She already felt it was time for a change when she watched a TedTalk from age activist Ashton Applewhite. Inspired, Phillippi bought Applewhite’s book This Chair Rocks and quickly realized the issue of ageism was a social cause she could get behind. In particular, Phillippi felt drawn to the notion of creating systemic change to enhance productivity and organizational effectiveness.

Former teacher, foreign service officer and campaign manager, Julian Phillippi is not afraid of change. She is in the second year of a graduate program for HR Management at New York University, a private nonprofit research university based in New Yo…

Former teacher, foreign service officer and campaign manager, Julian Phillippi is not afraid of change. She is in the second year of a graduate program for HR Management at New York University, a private nonprofit research university based in New York — koitz

“The current system is broken, and we need to change it,” Phillippi said of U.S. employment culture. “It used to be that you went to school, got a job and worked until you retired. That notion doesn’t work for most people now and it won’t work for anyone in the future. Not only are people living to be a hundred, more people are working into the eighties–not always because they have to, but often because they want to.”

But workers as young as 40 report being overlooked for training and promotional opportunities, and forced into early retirement. When they begin a new job search, they are locked out of the applicant pool in lieu of younger candidates.

"I was recently part of a group conversation where a recruiter at a large multinational company said his boss refused to see resumes for candidates over 40. So many people are operating from outdated mindsets about age, and not enough is being done about it which only reinforces this issue. I want to become one of the changemakers working to dismantle ageism."

Assumptions about age and capabilities go both ways. In this short video clip, Phillippi talks about the difference between digital natives and digital competence, and how more experienced workers may inadvertently set up younger workers for failure by neglecting to provide the support and guidance they need to be successful.

Looking Forward

Phillippi decided a more structured learning environment would provide the tools needed for her to become a part of workplace change.

"I expect to be employed by a company that sees the value of having somebody as part of the HR team who understands a diverse workforce includes age in the equation and knows how to make it happen. For workplaces to be more competitive, they need to recruit the best talent, and that doesn't have an age limit.”

Phillippi had an opportunity to apply her learnings over the summer as an HR intern for the Wildlife Conservation Society. A couple of her projects included researching and recommending a measurement approach for the diversity, equity and inclusion plan, and curating course content for management and leadership development learning modules.

As Phillippi begins her last year of the program, she’s honing in on the areas she feels will serve her best – organizational effectiveness and AI.

“AI is a genie that can’t be put back in the bottle,” Phillippi said. “I’m looking at ways to leverage AI and data analytics to mitigate issues of unconscious bias that humans bring to the processes of recruitment, selection, evaluations and promotions. If the data going in is biased, then what comes out the other side will also be biased.”

Benefits of a Mid-Career University Experience

While going back to school mid-career or later may sound daunting, there are more benefits than drawbacks according to Billie Gastic Rosado, associate dean of the NYU School of Professional Studies Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies, which caters to post-traditional, transfer and adult students.

  • The cost of college discourages many from pursuing their degree right out of high school. And, a lack of economic mobility later in life is a significant motivator for making a plan to get one's degree as an adult.

  • Adult students also tend to be very good at managing their time to make school and life work together.

  • Older students are also appreciative of the targeted support they receive from faculty and advisors.

  • Adult students have high expectations in the classroom and ask great questions. The most effective faculty know how to harness that engagement and energy to everyone's benefit.

Rosado notes that initially some older students may feel intimidated being in the classroom, especially with traditionally-aged students. Also, they may need time to adjust when they realize some of their professors are younger than they are.

Finally, adult students often take longer to graduate than traditionally-aged students. Sometimes, that means switching between full-time and part-time study to balance competing demands.

As for Phillippi, she is excited to complete her last year in the program. "I just want to finish and start applying what I've learned to create change," she said.

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I am an author and longtime communications professional with experience in online and print media, public affairs and corporate storytelling. After spending over a decade managing diversity and inclusion for a major pharmaceutical company, I resigned to spend more time with family, write and coach others to chase their dreams. I’m on a mission to promote a productive, multigenerational workforce and to demonstrate how “career pauses” can lead to happier, healthier and higher-skilled employees. I love delivering a relevant, content-rich presentation that leaves people feeling informed and motivated to take action. Reach out to me via the Speaker page on my website. Follow me on Twitter @SheilaCallaham