Sourced from NYT | November 20, 2021
FILED UNDER: Dubious Honors
NYC is number one at a lot of things and now, including being full of the rudest Uber passengers in the county!
Uber, in February, released a list of the highest average rider ratings among large U.S. cities and NYC was at the very bottom, having the lowest rider ratings, meaning we are the WORST.
Read it and weep, here are the top 10 lowest average rider ratings:
New York City
Washington D.C.
Minneapolis - St. Paul
San Francisco
Los Angeles
What makes a low rider rating anyway? It turns out that drivers rank us based on whether we keep them waiting, leave trash in their car, and whether we act respectfully. The average rating for Uber riders is 4.89 out of 5, according to Uber, however, Riester says you have a bad score if you are below a 4.7.
Beginning Feb 21, a breakdown of your average rating can be found in the Uber App's privacy center. You can see how many drivers gave you a perfect 5-star rating, how many slapped you with a single star, and everything in between.
You can access this by going into the settings menu, tapping on "Privacy" and then "Privacy Center", swipe to the right and click on the "would you like to see a summary of how you use Uber" tile and then scroll down to the "browse your data" section and tap on "View my ratings" to see the breakdown.
Sounds like we could use some tips on increasing our rider ratings on Uber, or else. Here you go:
Always make sure to take your trash and any other belongings with you. Don't leave a mess behind.
Always remember to buckle up for your and the driver's safety.
Don't make drivers wait too long for you
Treat everyone and everything with respect — always treat your driver and their vehicle as you would want to be treated
And lastly, for the love of all that is holy, don't slam the door! Drivers have consistently cited door slams as the reason why they deduct the stars! And now you know…