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When you are low on motivation, remember these tips.

Illustration of a women in exercise gear doing a high kick inside of a clock

Illustration by Guillem Casasus | Photographs by Getty Images

Listen. We get it. There's already barely enough time in the day to accomplish everything that we desire or set out to do, and exercise is often the task that people often sacrifice when we are we short on time. And here’s the first, bonus fun fact: federal guidelines suggest fitting in at least two and a half hours of moderate physical activity into our lives each week.

If you find this daunting — you are not the only one and know that only 25% of adult Americans actually met those recommendations in 2020! If you wonder how much physical activity a person actually needs to live a longer life and reduce the risk of chronic disease, or how frequently does one actually need to work out, then this post is for you pal!

These four research based insights about exercise might just make you more excited to put on your work out clothes.

1. You can keep your workouts short!

The U.S. Department of Health and Human services recommends that adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week from activities such as biking or swimming. That equates to at least 20 minutes a day. You can also benefit from doing less.

The first 20 minutes of physical activity per session is where you gain the most health perks, at least in terms of longevity. As you continue working out, the bang for your buck starts to decrease in terms of tangible health rewards.

A study published in March estimated that 111,000 lives could be saved each year if Americans over 40 added only 10 minutes per day to their current exercise regimen.

So even if you only have 5-10 minutes to work out. Do it. "A lot of things can happen to your body beginninng the second you start to exercise," said Carol Swing Garber, a movement scientist at Columbia University Teacher College. It's even possible to experience mental health benefits, including reduced anxiety and better sleep immediately after even a moderate-to-intense physical activity.

2. Your workouts don't have to be intense.

If high intensity and hard core spin classes intimidate you, don't worry. You don't have to sweat profusely or feel wrecked to feel like you've accomplished a work out.

Any physical activity that you do that gets your heart beating faster is useful. If you've never tracked your heartbeat while exercising, it might be worth trying now. For moderate exercise, the target is roughly 50-70 percent of your body's maximum heart rate. Many people will hit this target during a brisk walk.

Estimating your maximum heart rate can help you gauge how hard you should be walking, running or cycling. It's not perfect since your natural heart rate during exercise may be higher or lower. Fitness levels and heart rates among people the same age can vary. Not all exercises raise your heart rate the same amount. Consider talking to your doctor too before establishing goals.

Moving your body in some way is going to be helpful. That's the main important message.

3. Focus on overall health, not weight loss.

Many people exercise with weight loss in mind, but increasing physical activity isn't usually effective. In 2011, a review of 14 published papers, scientists found that people with bigger bodies who did aerobic exercise for at least two hours a week lost an average of only 3.5 pounds over six months.

Exercise improves your overall health and studies even suggest that it has a larger effect on your life expectancy than body type. Regardless of your size, exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, depression, type 2 diabetes, anxiety and insomnia.

4. It's OK if you can only work out on weekends!

People assume that the healthiest people work out almost every day. Research suggests otherwise. In a study published in July, researchers followed more than 350,000 healthy American adults for an average of over 10 years. They found that people who exercised at least 150 minutes a week, over one or two days, were no more likely to die for any reason than those who reached 150 minutes in shorter, more frequent bouts. It's actually the total amount of activity per week that's important.

How ‘bout them apples? Now go move ya body a bit!