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Dave's Picks | Bonding With Friends Helps You Stay Healthy

Sourced from Times Now | July 30, 2022

The true key to happiness? FRIENDS!

An 80-year-long Harvard study on happiness has revealed that neither money nor fame can keep you happy throughout your life. Instead, it’s your close relationships that can help keep you happy and healthy. Director of the study and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Robert Waldinger says that


Our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health

— Harvard professor of psychiatry Robert Waldinger

Taking care of your body is important but tending to our relationships is a form of self-care too.

The study highlights the importance of relationships in our lives β€” these could be friendships, marital, or any other relations. These relationships help you to overcome the bad times and life's discontents. When you protect these relationships, you are more likely to live longer and happier lives. The study also proves the importance of relationships in an individual's life.

How friends and relationships affect your health:

1. Friends help you cope with trauma. If you don't cope with your own trauma, it is likely going to affect your mental health and other aspects of your life as well.
2. They help you in situations where you have anxiety and low self-esteem. Chronic anxiety can have serious health implications starting from respiratory issues to other health problems.
3. Friends can help you reduce stress. Stress is not a good thing for the body and it can cause depression and anxiety among people. When you share your problems with others, you are more likely to feel de-stressed.

Ways to nourish your friendships:

1. Talk to your friends often
2. Make time for your friends
3. Show your friends that they can trust you
4. Make sure you are a good listener
5. Be a shoulder for your friends